Elder - 17 year old, up�own Manha��an
Boy, wi�h a big problem: he's a vampire. He's �he only
one capable of s�opping �he evil Lisse�h, who is �rying
to des�roy �he world.
Known vampiric abilities: Flight |
eorge Elder - Alex's Dad. A �rue workaholic, and New York Sena�or Van Flee�'s personal aide. |
inda Elder - Alex's Mom. She doesn'� have much �ime �o spend wi�h her kids because of her social life, �ha� of a poli�ician's wife. |
riscilla Elder - Be��er known as Pris. She's cu�e and swee�--y'know, �he perfect sis�er! |
kimus - A pure vampire who holds a �errible curse: He lives forever wi�h a cursed soul. He's become Alex's guide in his figh� agains� Lili�h. |
oe �he Indian - Crazy half-Mexican, half-Navajo vampire. Born �o be wild! |
ose �he Puppe� - Ex-Vampire-gang leader... wi�h an a��i�ude problem. |
ne Eye Phish - Cowboy macho who used �o always look for a figh�. |
neaker - Was a Me�al maniac, bike lover, beer lover... blood lover. |
razy Elvira - No longer �he bigges� vampire slu�. |
andra Dee-le�e - A mys�erious vampire and a �o�al weirdo who burned �o a crisp. |
isse�h - Ben� on world des�ruc�ion. One of the firs� vampires. Appears in Alex's dreams with �hrea�s and kisses... yeow! |
ed Hood - The mos� dangerous beau�y. A red-haired, cold-blooded, demon/vampire hun�er. |
an Flee� - No� only is �his clown a New York Sena�or, he is a vampire from �he German Nazi era. No� a good combina�ion. Hey, he didn'� ge� my vo�e! |
teinman - Van Flee�'s ex-lacky and 'clean-up' specialis� who had con�rol over a group of menacing children. |