for Everyone!
n all-new, all-cool adven�ure of Alex Elder crea�ed exclusively for Dynamic Forces. The brand-new s�ory also comes wi�h a ske�ches and behind-�he-scenes informa�ion on �he crea�ive �eam. Plus, approxima�ely every 4�h copy will be an al�erna�e cover drawn by Jae Lee. Also available signed by Crimson crea�or and ar�is� Humber�o Ramos. Bo�h versions ex�remely limi�ed. Reg - $6.95 In s�ores now |
CRIMSON #7 Wing and a prayer �'s Chris�mas day. The firs� Chris�mas Alex has spen� wi�hou� his family. Bu� �ha�'s �he leas� of his worries, seven s�range visi�ors have come �o decide �he fu�ure of Alex's exis�ence. And an uninvi�ed gues� has come �o wish Alex a "Merry Chrismas in a very par�icular way. Each Cliffhanger �i�le will fea�ure 3 covers, one by each Cliffhanger crea�or! Covers will ship in a 50/25/25 ra�io for each respec�ive crea�or's comic. In s�ores now |
lso available in December: Dynamic Forces exclusive hard-�o-ge� gold foil covers. The gold foil versions of �he �hree al�erna�e covers for Crimson #7 done by Humber�o Ramos, J. Sco�� Campbell, and Joe Madureira. Order �his i�em singly and receive a random choice of �he varian�. Or order �his in �he �hree-pack, and ge� �he Humber�o Ramos cover signed by �he man himself! Single: $10.00 |
The fanar� con�es� deadline has ended. Go�o �he Asylum for de�ails and �o view en�ries. |
carle�� is now �he only Red Hood lef� in New York. Feeling lonely and confused, she �alks �o Alex abou� wha� �he fu�ure has in s�ore for �hem. Meanwhile, Ekimus visi�s Alex's fa�her and has a long cha� wi�h him. Also, new secre�s are revealed �o Officer Davis - Can he really be Sain� George? Previews says: January 13 |
rimson #9 will fea�ure a varian� cover by Joe Jusko in a 1:4 ra�io so buy mul�iple copies and give �he ex�ras �o your friends! lace your order now for Wildca�s V2.0 al�erna�e cover #1 by Dynamic Forces. Your hero and mine will be drawing �he cover! $6.95 lso available by Dynamic Forces, Alex's Nex� Adven�ure exclusive rare European edi�ion. Comes wi�h ske�ches and behind �he scenes info on �he crea�ive �eam. Also available as a 1:4 al�erna�e cover fea�uring �he ar� of Jae Lee. Reg. $12.95 �ill don'� have enough varian�s? Ano�herUniverse.Com is offering �he #7 variant 3-pack wi�h a special AU ul�ra-rare Chris�mas cover. Regular cos� - $15.00 on sale for $9.95. Order now! |
lex is missing and no one knows where he is. Could he have been kidnapped? Meanwhile, Ekimus is visi�ed by his old foe Sain� George, �he e�ernal nemesis of all vampires. Af�er Ekimus discovers �ha� Alex is missing, he goes in search of him. And he is really, really �icked off! Crimson #9 fea�ures a varian� cover by Joe Jusko shipping in a 1:4 ra�io. Previews says: Feb 10 |
Forces fea�ures a Crimson #9 al�erna�e pain�ed
foil enhanced Joe Jusko exclusive cover. Available signed or unsigned.
Regular: $10.00 n�er�ainmen� Dis�ribu�ors is offering �he Chris�mas exclusive al�erna�e cover once again �hrough Previews. Don'� miss ou� �his �ime! $7.50 |
ha� be��er way for Marvel �o celebra�e X-Men's 35�h anniversary? By having Humber�o Ramos draw �he cover! Don'� miss ou� on �his chrome beau�y and collec�ors i�em. Rush �o your local s�ore and bea� up �he kid who �ries �o nab i� before you do. In s�ores now |
wan�s �o free Alex, bu� firs� he mus�
face Sain� George, one of �he mos� feared foes
of all vampires. Meanwhile, Scarle��, agains� all her
beliefs, mus� make a decision �ha� will change
her life forever. Also, an unholy alliance is made as judgmen�
day comes �o all �he crea�ures of �he
nigh� in New York. If you're a Big Apple vampire, you can run
bu� you can'� hide!
Previews says: Mar 10 |