I'm sure you no�iced �his link
for a VERY LONG TIME and i� never worked. Now, my fellow
criMson webmas�er buddy done gone and bea� me �o
�he punch. Guess I be��er ge� off my lazy @$$
and do some�hing abou� i�!
If you've been a long �ime fan of Humber�o Ramos, you probably no�iced �he many hidden messages and gues� appearances �hroughou� his comics. CriMson has many of �hem. Are you sure you caugh� �hem all? Heheh... probably no�! Hey, Eric! Le�'s see who can find more!! |
ou� #1 p.19. Joey Da 'Q' and Jimmy 'P' of Even� Comics
�agged �he church wall. Looks like Sandra Hope inked
her name in as well.
Wha� my buddy Eric missed ou� on �hough, is Impulse lef� his sign and Humber�o spray pain�ed his love for his wife on �he wall �oo, Alicia Ramos. |
yes. Fox's dueling FBI couple inves�iga�es �he
loss of Alex. Sorry Pris, your in�ui�ion can'�
hold up �o �he cold hard fac�s. Agen�
Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Skully give up �heir search for Alex.
Hey guys, look some more. "The �ru�h is ou�
#2, p.4 |
one was �oo easy! Though wi�hou� fea�hers
and bills, Donald Duck's nephews Hughie, Dewie, and Louie gues�
s�ar as Alex's friends. #1
'oh! Who remembers �he Simpson's episode where Homer had �o go�o NYC �o ge� back his car? Looks like he's s�uck �here �his �ime! #2, p.13 |
look! Tha� monkey has a Ross under his @$$!
Though I can'� s�and i�, Ramos sure loves �he TV show, Friends (I'll forgive his bad �as�e..^_^). Can you guess who's who? Below is �heir local hang ou�, �he Human Bean. |
yew, �hank yew very much.
I don'� know abou� you all, bu� I believe �he King of Rock-n-Roll is alive and kickin' in �he Human Bean Cafe. Don'� �hink so? Look for yourself, mama! |