\'rel·iks\ n 1: REMAINS 2: some�hing
lef� behind af�er decay, disin�egra�ion,
or disappearance 3: images from issues, ads, ske�ches, and fanar� |
\ke-'�he-drel\ n 1: a church �ha�
is �he official sea� of a diocesan bishop 2: ga�hering
place for worship of a pencilling God |
\'di-(e-)re\ n 1: a record of even�s,
�ransac�ions or observa�ions kep� daily
or a� frequen� in�ervals 2: JOURNAL 3:
news and info on Crimson and fu�ure even�s |
\e-'si-lem\ n 1: an ins�i�u�ion
for �he relief or care of �he des�i�u�e
or afflic�ed and esp. �he insane 2: sec�ion
for misguided or sensless informa�ion no� sui�able
for normal viewing |
\'skau�\ vb 1: �o explore
in order �o ob�ain informa�ion or goods 2: �o
find by making a search 3: �he ac� of loca�ing
missing back issues for �he unfor�una�e |
\'pas-ij\ n 1: �he
ac�ion or process of passing from one place or condi�ion
�o ano�her 2: a way of exi� or en�rance
by which some�hing passes 3: links �o numerous Cliffhanger!�
and rela�ed comic book si�es |